It didn't work! I didn't adhere to it 100%, more like 80%, and basically I felt deprived and also somewhat pregnant most of the time (hello increased fibre!). I gained weight and resented smoothies. I loathed every bite of nut butter. BUT. It wasn't for nought. I for sure got more nutrients and broke my addiction to Mr. Noodles. I didn't eat sugar and I liked not craving it after a few days. These are actually big things and I intend to keep going with those elements - less white, less beer, more water, less sugar, and lots more green. What I am looking forward to is returning to a way of eating that has worked for me in the past and that feels good: intuitive eating.
Below are a couple of things I enjoyed on the cleanse. The first is just a super-easy breakfast or lunch: brown rice, spinach, peas, veggie broth. The second is a tofu creation Georgia and I collaborated on one night. She thought up this idea of a "community" (i.e., an environment) in a meal: broccoli were trees, carrot rounds were stepping stones, etc. We ended up including about a dozen different veggies because it was so exciting to keep adding to the metaphor.
However, here's the thing: I generally always make such things! I needed the cleanse to get me back on track and now that it's over I plan to continue eating in the same vein: just with a lot more butter and cheese! :-)